Monthly Archives: January 2012


There are many instances when how we choose to define something has a tremendous impact on the ultimate outcomes that are achieved.  In two different contexts this week, this important fact played a role in events that impact some great people … Continue reading

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Go ahead, be scary.

The field I work in is a high stress, low pay field with elevated levels of turnover.  When I first started with my current organization, we faced a turnover rate among our full-time employees of about 50 percent annually with our … Continue reading

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Unconnected Knowledge

I have been writing this blog for less than a year but I have been a reader of blogs for much longer.  My faithful Google Reader brings me much joy as I read the blogs of great HR folks throughout … Continue reading

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Pursuing the White Whale

“Moby Dick seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!”.  —Moby-Dick, Ch. 135 Here in the beginning of 2012, many people have set forth their personal resolutions for the New Year.  Others don’t make resolutions, but set goals for … Continue reading

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