As part of improving our own conference, several members of the HR Indiana conference team are taking journeys to several other state HR conferences. This week, it’s my turn as I return to my personal and professional roots in Ohio. I am excited about the lineup of speakers I get to hear, the friends I can see again, and the new connections I will make. Since Ohio SHRM is expecting a record crowd, I am sure to also learn some new things that can be applied to HR Indiana in the years ahead! I know Kellie Miller (@km_runner) returned from Illinois last month with several ideas that we are seeking to incorporate.
My thanks to both Indiana State Council Director Betty Lonis (@bettylonis) and her Ohio counterpart Andrea Gurcsik (@OhioSHRM) for ensuring this could happen. Look for a post or two during the conference highlighting some of the rockin’ things going on this week in Sandusky.
And yes, for those wondering, I am managing to get in 6 hours of time at Cedar Point on Friday night. The coaster count will get to increase!