Tag Archives: social media

What I am looking forward to at #SHRM16

This gallery contains 1 photo.

As another SHRM Annual conference looms in my immediate future, I find myself looking forward to several things during this time in Washington DC.  On the keynote side of the house, Amy Cuddy (author of Presence) is the one I … Continue reading

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It’s the people!

  The title of this post sums up what makes something memorable or not. Yes, it’s the people! For the 5th, 6th or maybe 7th time (sorry I’ve lost count) I was fortunate enough to attend the SHRM Volunteer Leader … Continue reading

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A #SHRM15 stack of mail and the Seven stand outs

Like many of the nearly 16,000 people attending this year’s SHRM Annual conference in Las Vegas, I have received my fair share of pre-conference mailings from vendors. The pile is impressive, colorful, full of enticements to visit booths, and mostly … Continue reading

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Leisure and Learning

It makes me happy to think about journeying to Orlando in less than two weeks to attend my second SHRM Annual Conference.  Having experienced my first last year, I now know that the event is much bigger than the sessions … Continue reading

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I’m fortunate enough that my family tends to like adventure.  Given the Roller Coaster theme of this blog, you can guess that I am not one to shy away from things that are new and exciting.  Well, the entire Galin … Continue reading

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HR is PR

One reason I enjoy being involved in social media is that it brings together two essential business entities that I enjoy, human resources and public relations.    As a one-time (or is that a recovering?!?) public relations person, I recognize that the … Continue reading

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Unconnected Knowledge

I have been writing this blog for less than a year but I have been a reader of blogs for much longer.  My faithful Google Reader brings me much joy as I read the blogs of great HR folks throughout … Continue reading

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Social Media and Authenticity

As I try to get more of my Indiana HR colleagues involved in social media, I am finding that it is a slow and at times difficult task.  Those who are competitive and show a willingness to push the envelope … Continue reading

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Am I guilty of being a “yes” man?

Being a relative newbie (less than 1 year!) to the social media “scene”, I experienced my first SHRM conference from afar through the tweets and blog posts of my HR colleagues fortunate enough to be attending the 2011 SHRM Annual … Continue reading

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